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About Us

At Arisha's Butterflies Home Day Care...Our goal is to provide a safe and happy place for children where they can learn and grow at their own pace. I believe children learn through play and benefit from a structured, yet flexible schedule. Children will be taught to respect each other, adults, pet and property. My goal is to teach your child to Communicate, Negotiate, Problem Solve and Get along. If he/she can learn these skills, then the rest will happen. Every day I offer your child the opportunity to play with puzzles, games, art materials, play dough, books, music, language and science to support the learning process. If this is the way you would like for your child to play and learn then this is the place for you. I support their play by providing them with the necessary language so they learn to express themselves appropriately and to become a positive addition to society.


We provide a daily routine that is flexible, yet structured, to ensure that children are comfortable with their surroundings and expectations. Children's interactions with one another are carefully watched, giving us an opportunity to help instill common values within each child. Through sensitivity and understanding we strive to teach each child in our care manners, kindness, and to be respectful towards others and their belongings. When a child displays inappropriate behavior towards others, he or she is encouraged to make amends through a sincere apology; all in a sustained effort to help teach children the basic understanding of right from wrong. Additionally sharing, taking turns, problem solving, and teamwork are stressed with equal importance, so that the children can learn to play harmoniously with one another; helping to lay the foundation for all social interactions to come later in life.

We believe that the discipline of a child is achieved through patience, consistency, and positive reinforcement. One of the influential ways positive reinforcement is used is during activities such as circle-time, reading, and etc. If two of the children amongst the group are listening well and paying attention, we commend the children who are following directions - "Thank you Billy and Hailey for listening so well. Great job!”. If a younger child is given the responsibility of carrying a cup of milk across the room with no lid on it, we would say things such as - "Wow what a big boy, look how good you’re carrying that cup and not spilling!". These  subtle words spoken have the affect of reinforcing positive actions, and at the same time, drowns out the influence of negative actions and thoughts, either upon oneself and/or from others in the group. This simple technique is used with great success by many top professionals in the childcare field, and is why we have adopted this reinforcement by positive reinforcement outlook into Arisha's Butterflies Home Daycare's core belief system.

Another of the ways in which we do this is by the example we, as childcare providers, set. We understand that our actions and reactions speak much louder than our words. The children are explained the rules of the daycare frequently, so they know what's expected of them. Once a child is old enough to understand the rules and disobeys them, by exhibiting inappropriate behavior (hitting, aggression, etc), hurts others, or property, the following developmentally appropriate guidance techniques will be used.

  • Positive Reinforcement: The child will be encouraged when he or she is demonstrating acceptable behavior.

  • Redirection: The child is redirected to another activity and given an opportunity to try again at another time.

  • Time-Out: The child is separated from the group for an age appropriate amount of time (one minute per one year of age). This technique is only used when a child repeatably will not follow our directions or listen to our words, is exhibiting temper tantrum type behavior, or hurting ones self, others or equipment. When the child shows that he or she is ready to demonstrate acceptable behavior, they are encouraged to join the rest of the group to try again.

  • Last Resort: When a child's behavior is continually upsetting or dangerous to others, a conference will be called with the parents. If the problems cannot be resolved, arrangements will have to be made for the child to go elsewhere for care.




  • From Small Cocoons to Magnifectient Butterflies   






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